Words beginning with 'gm'

Your search term has unfortunately only generated 3 eligible words.

2 letter words

  • gm

7 letter words

  • gmelina

9 letter words

  • gmelinite

What is a strange word from this list?
Ranking as the most interesting word on this page is 'gmelinite'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'gmelinite' is defined as "A rhombohedral zeolitic mineral, related in form and composition to chabazite.".

What is the longest word you can construct with the combination of letters searched for?
The longest word on this page is 'gmelinite', which consists of 9 letters

How many words are available using these specific combinations of letters?
It is possible to create 3 words from the specified combination.

What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble using the requested combination ?
3 combinations available, the only choice you can go for is 'gmelina' which totals 10 points.