Words that have 'z' as the second letter and 'g' as fifth letter

5 results have been found based on the criteria you've specified.

5 letter words

  • izing
  • uzbeg

6 letter words

  • mzungu

7 letter words

  • dzungar

9 letter words

  • dziggetai

What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble using the above combination ?
We recommend using 'dzungar' for a score of 18 points.

What is the largest word you can make with this list?
Consider 'dziggetai', which consists of 9 characters.

What's a peculiar word from the word combos available on this list?
You'll note several unusual words on this page, although our favorite is 'dziggetai'. According to the dictionary, 'dziggetai' is defined as "The kiang, a wild horse or wild ass of Thibet (Asinus hemionus). Note: The name is sometimes applied also to the koulan or onager. See Koulan.".

How many words are possible to put together with this combination of letters?
On this page of words where the second letter is 'z' and fifth letter is 'g', you have 5 entries that can be selected.