Words that contain 'k' and end in 'po'

Your particular request has unfortunately only generated 2 words.

6 letter words

  • kakapo
  • katipo

In Scrabble, what's the highest score possible from words that have 'k' in and end with 'po'?
Your only viable option is 'kakapo' which totals 16 points.

How many words can you make using the specified combination?
On this list of words that contain 'k' and end in 'po', you have 2 effective combinations that are available.

How many letters does the largest word on this page contain?
The biggest word that's possible to derive from the specified combination is 'kakapo', and it contains 6 characters.

What is an unique word from this list?
Our favorite interesting word from this list goes to 'kakapo'. The definition of 'kakapo' is as follows: "A singular nocturnal parrot (Strigops habroptilus), native of New Zealand. It lives in holes during the day, but is active at night. It resembles an owl in its colors and general appearance. It has large wings, but can fly only a short distance. Called also owl parrot, night parrot, and...". Source Oxford Dictionary.