Top 10 Most Commonly Misspelled Words in the English Language

Spelling mistakes are a common occurrence amongst all of us folks, but there are a few traps to always look out for. Dictionarypedia has compiled the top 10 most commonly misspelled words in the English language, and offer the relevant tips and strategies for mastering their correct spellings.

  1. The word “separate” is often confused with “seperate,” but the correct spelling is “separate.” This word is a verb meaning to divide or set apart.
  2. “Definitely” is often misspelled as “definately.” The correct spelling of this adverb is “definitely” and it means certainly or positively.
  3. “A lot” is often written as “alot,” but the correct spelling is “a lot.” This phrase is used to indicate a large quantity or amount.
  4. “Embarrass” is frequently misspelled as “embarass.” The correct spelling is “embarrass” and it is a verb meaning to cause someone to feel self-conscious or ashamed.
  5. “Occurrence” is commonly misspelled as “occurance.” The correct spelling is “occurrence” and it is a noun that refers to an event or happening.
  6. “Maintenance” is frequently misspelled as “maintainence.” The correct spelling is “maintenance” and it refers to the act of keeping something in good condition.
  7. “Conscience” is often misspelled as “conscience.” The correct spelling is “conscience” and it refers to a person’s sense of right and wrong.
  8. “Receipt” is often misspelled as “reciept.” The correct spelling is “receipt” and it refers to a written acknowledgement of having received something.
  9. “Millennium” is commonly misspelled as “millenium.” The correct spelling is “millennium” and it refers to a period of one thousand years.
  10. “Recommend” is frequently misspelled as “recomend.” The correct spelling is “recommend” and it is a verb meaning to suggest or endorse something.

How can I become a better speller? Top 6 Tips

There are several grammar rules that can make it easier to spell complicated words. Our favorite top 6 tips include:

  1. Understanding word roots: Many English words have roots in other languages, such as Latin or Greek. Understanding the root of a word can help you to spell it correctly, as the root often contains clues about the word’s spelling.
  2. Knowing prefixes and suffixes: Prefixes and suffixes are common in the English language and can change the meaning of a word. Understanding common prefixes and suffixes, such as “un-” or “-able,” can help you to spell words correctly.
  3. Understanding syllables: Many English words have multiple syllables. Understanding how to divide a word into syllables can help you to spell it correctly, as each syllable has its own specific pattern of letters.
  4. Knowing homophones: Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings. Being able to recognize and distinguish between homophones, such as “there” and “their,” can help you to spell words correctly.
  5. Recognize common patterns: Some words follow certain patterns, such as doubling a consonant before a suffix, and recognizing these patterns can help you to spell them correctly.
  6. Practice: Practice spelling words correctly and regularly, as repetition can help to commit the correct spelling to memory.


  • Oxford English Dictionary
  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  • The New York Times